Let's Get Fossil-Free 529 College Savings

California’s ScholarShare 529 College Savings Plan Still has Oil and Gas In It
California’s college-bound students and their families had $14.416 billion saved for college at the end of 2023.
Investing for your kids’ college should help them build a better future - and not support oil and gas companies.
We demand at least one fossil-free investment option for a static fund and an age-based (target college date) fund.
Parents and concerned Californians are organizing around this campaign and welcome new volunteers.
Contact info@fossilfreeca.org for questions, or sign up as a volunteer to join the working group.
You can join either via virtual meetings or in person at SF Bay Area/Sacramento events such as board meetings to convince the ScholarShare Investment Board to take a stand.
So far, campaign members are:
- Attending and commenting on the ScholarShare public board meetings
- Reaching out to parents in other states, such as those leading a campaign for fossil-free 529 savings in Massachusetts
- Running a petition to the ScholarShare board
Sign the petition here!

Call on the Board to divest
Write to the ScholarShare Board urging them to divest from fossil fuels now. Sign onto our default letter or write your own!
Join the Volunteer Working Group
Join the Fossil Free 529 College Savings volunteer working group to stay in touch about how you can help.
Fossil Free California: Why Divest?
Carlos Davidson: Shareholder Engagement with Fossil Fuel Companies is a Failure for Climate Change